Frank Gambale
Part One: Standard & Extended Pentatonic Shapes
The Blues scale just works!!! With a little calculated manipulation it will work over just about anything! Cool huh? Yes, and that’s why an untold number of guitarists the world over earn their daily bread playing the s*%t out of it.
In Section 1 you will learn the fundamental shapes that you will need to know for you to become a Blues guitar legend…All examples are in the key of A.
You will learn Minor Pentatonic in one hand positions ( no need to move ) and the cool “extended” Minor Pentatonic shapes that covers three octaves. They are both essential and useful. Then you will learn Blues Scale shapes in one hand position and the Extended Blues Scale Shapes.You will also learn some pentatonic sequence ideas and how to make variations of the pentatonic notes.
You will also learn an amazing Blues solo using only 6 notes and 2 fingers!
Part One: Standard & Extended Pentatonic Shapes
Expand your fretboard playing universe in Part 2 with the amazing gem of information “Mixing Major and Minor Pentatonic and Blues”. Blues loves both Major and Minor Pentatonics/Blues scales. This section will show you that they are both exactly the same shape, but more importantly, how they relate to one another!!!
You will learn how to combine Major and Minor Pentatonics and Major and Minor Blues scales with amazing results.
Part Three:
Tritone Guide Tones
This section shares an absolutely priceless INFORMATIONAL GEM! This gem shows the magic of the tritone, the interval between the 3rd and the b7 of the dominant chords of the Blues. You will also learn how they can be used as guide tones to make you sound like an instant pro Blues player. The first steps towards Spicing Up The Blues.
Part Four: Double Stops
This section focuses on DOUBLE-STOPS which means playing 2 notes at the same time. There are a lot of cool licks in the Blues that have double stops! Frank demonstrates some of the intervals that are often used over a Blues chord progression. These examples are the coolest musical examples to learn that will take your musicality to a whole new level. You are now really on the road to Spicing Up The Blues.
Part Five: Minor Blues Progression
This section focuses on the MINOR BLUES. The Minor Blues uses all minor chords instead of the usual dominant 7 chords.
This Minor Blues progression often sounds more “blue” than the usual dominant 7 based blues progression.
Frank demonstrates by example. He shares some incredible blues solos that are a must.
Frank also shares a fundamental Blues concept that is vital to be understood to play the Blues authentically.
You are now truly Spicing Up The Blues.
Part Six: Hybrid Pentatonics
This section reveals some all-new Pentatonic Scales. They’re called Hybrid Pentatonics.
Frank shares these fresh sounding pentatonics with you that he uses when he is Spicing Up The Blues!
These are so cool you will wonder how you lived without them.
Part Seven: Blues Chromaticism
In this chapter the focus in on CHROMATICISM in the Blues. The Blue note is the b5th of the scale. That is well established in the Blues. Frank, in the interest of Spicing Up The Blues, will open your eyes to realizing that really, any note will work if it’s done right in passing! This section is really Spicing Up The Blues.
Part Eight: Rhythm Guitar
In this section the focus is on playing Blues Rhythm Guitar. A lot of emphasis is placed on soloing and the single line these days but, in reality, most of the time guitar players are required to play rhythm guitar. In this section Frank demonstrates essential Blues rhythm guitar examples. The exercises start simply and then progressively more complex. Spicing Up Your Rhythm Guitar playing is a vital part of becoming a Blues guitar hero.
Part Nine: Blues Song Riffs.
Part Ten: The b5 Passing Chord
In this section the focus is on SPICING UP THE BLUES!. For those of you who have mastered the material so far and are hungry to learn more…this section takes you to the notes outside the norm!!! Frank also introduced some new scale choices.
Frank demonstrates playing “outside” within the Blues. Blues purists will probably not approve while others will think it the coolest of all the sections. Whichever way you view it, it is definitely NOT boring. For those who are not afraid to take the Blues to new territory then this, and successive chapters are for you folks!
The INFORMATIONAL GEM contained in this section will inspire you into Spicing Up The Blues like never before, all based ironically, on the “b5th” passing chord.
Part Eleven: The b5 Diminished Passing Chord
In this section the focus is on more notes outside the norm by adding a new diminished 7th passing chord in the 6th bar of the Blues. This then gives us another scale to play to Spicing Up The Blues even further!!! Frank demonstrates the scale shapes and then shares awesome musical examples.
Part Twelve: The Altered 5 Chord – Bar 12
In this section the focus is on more notes outside the norm by adding an altered dominant chord in the very last bar of the 12 bar Blues progression!!!
Many players play an E7#9 at the end of the progression to turn the whole progression back around to the top without realizing the melodic and harmonic possibilities of these last 2 beats or even the whole last bar of the Blues progression.
Frank shows you what’s possible in a musical and enlightening way Spicing Up The Blues to the max!
- 80 videos with over 10 hours of material
- 180 downloadable mp3 backing tracks
- 12 downloadable PDF Booklets with TAB and standard notation
- 12 downloadable Guitar Pro files with full notation
- Step-by-step guidance to mastery of the Blues and beyond
Tosin Abasi - Animals as Leaders
Yiannis Papadopoulos
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